Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nothing better than time spent in the woods!

The last week was really hectic - two days in the office to catch up from being out of the office the previous week, then a three day offsite for the MDP program at work.

The offsite was very interesting - we did a 3-day seminar where we essentially ran a simulated company over a two year time period in competition with our fellow MDP classmates. My team did not do very well, but it was a great learning experience.

This was also a great week for training, even with the offsite meeting eliminating my lunchtime workout for three days, I managed to get my arse out of bed and workout in the morning and after work every day. Ultimately did three interval workouts and an TT on roller skis Saturday along with some easy runs and a nice long classic roller ski this morning.

This weekend was also opening day of deer season. I was up at 430am yesterday to drive out to my parents for the traditional opening day. I sat until about 11am (saw nothing but a lot of squirrels), then did the aforementioned TT (which went pretty well), then headed back out. While I came up empty in the deer category, it was a great day to be in the woods and (as it always is) a great escape from all the nonsense that corporate America can bring.

Also, my younger brother was in town from Philly with his girlfriend, so my parents cooked Thanskgiving dinner today. My dad cooked up an awesome deep fried turkey cajun style, which was great. My older brother, his wife (who's 5 days overdue with their 2nd child), and my niece Lauren came over as well. Here are a few pictures of the family get-together today.
My niece Lauren with her proud Grandpa.
Nancy and I
From right to left is my little brother Johnny and his girlfriend Theresa, my mom and dad, and nance. My parents used to live in Green Bay and my dad loves the Packers (as is obvious from his sweatshirt), but I think in his heart of hearts, he'd like to see the Brett Farve bring one home for the Vikings this year. I wonder how many Pack fans are in this conundrum (I'd be willing to bet more than ESPN will allow you to know).

This week coming up looks pretty hectic as well, but it's all good stuff - two days of work, some more hunting and training, then the Ogborne brothers are coming into town from Pheonix to hang out, and go to the Bills/Dolphins game next weekend, should be great!

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