Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thanks guys!

I just got home from my bachelor party and couldn't imagine a more perfect weekend. In total 18 guys descended on a "cabin" in Forsestport, NY (between Utica and Old Forge). This cabin was more like a frat house than a cabin and a great setup for the weekend. There was also a 9 hole golf course on the same complex. A good chunk of the guys that made the journey were teammates of mine from college, or I met through other RIT baseball teammates. This got me thinking about how I was initially disappointed to be going to RIT in the first place as a high school senior, but looking back on it, I couldn't imagine not knowing these guys and am extremely thankful that things went the way they did and I ended up at RIT with all of these guys as teammates. Ok, I'll stop sounding like an NCAA commercial now.

The attendees included Doogie and Feldman (flew in from LA), Super Rob (flew in from Phoenix), Lucas (drove up from Ct) and Kevin (who got back from a month long trip in Tbilisi, Georgia on Thursday night, and I would imagine going out of town for a weekend of more drinking probably wasn't what he had as #1 on his priority list).

The weekend basically involved some heavy boozing in the middle of the woods, golf and lawn games, I won't go into all the details, but I will say that it sounds like a couple of my buddies need some lessons in proper golf-cart driving!

Here are some pics.
Kevin standing in front of possibly the biggest rock either of us had seen. This stream was right behind the cabin we were staying in.
Farmen, Crandle and Kevin. What you can't see is Farmen's very inappropriate t-shirt commenting on certain preferences of Red Sox fans.
Knodel repping a little Colgate slice of live - Slices! Many of the buddies I have from college accompanied me for weekends here or there to Colgate, including Knodel (who I lived with for 4 years and is one of the goofier guys you'll ever meet, he's a left-handed pitcher though which explains a lot.).
Dear landowners - stop feeding deer, this is not normal behavior. Deer were basically walking up to us all weekend. At one point a couple of us decided to try and wrestle the next one that came up (not sure that was sound decision-making, but anyways), the deer must have heard us because they started harassing the other cabins and houses instead of ours after that.
Speaking of bad decision making, this was the damage done on Friday night only.

Can't even begin to express how much it meant to me that these guys were able to get out there. I know there were several other guys that had things come up and couldn't make it, and Kevin gave a Georgian-style toast last night to the guys that couldn't make it. The whole weekend made me so thankful for the group of friends that I have.

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