Monday, May 3, 2010

Quotes from weekend

Here are some of the memorable quotes from the weekend (names removed):
- "As for the weekend, I talked to Lucas already, but my attendance is up in the air right now. I planned on being there but looks like I have to work on Saturday...If I can get outta here by noon, Ill be there by 5 to drink 100 beers.... but if not Im going to have to catch you in June. Go get em." - e-mail received on Friday morning

- "I can't believe you went for a run this morning. You are a sick f*ck."

- "I didn't know they made bottles of Gentleman Jack that big."

- "Is it possible to tear your rotator cuff playing wiffle ball? How would I know if that just happened?"

- "I'm going to jack that deer up if it gets any closer."

- "This is the first trash plate I've ever eaten while it's still daylight out."

Music related quotes:
- "I haven't listened to this much bluegrass ever, it must be Marty's iPod."
- "I feel like I'm at Bonnaroo."
- "I haven't heard any Tragically Hip or Guster songs since I lived with Marty."
- "We need to listen to someone else' iPod for a while, I'm all twang-ed out."

Skip and go naked (drink concoction) related quotes
- "It's almost noon, it's no longer appropriate to be drinking a bloody mary, better get the skip and go's mixed up."
- In response to a question that went something like "what's the big deal with these skip and go's?": "You know how there's a difference between a wine-drunk and a beer-drunk? Well, skip and go's are a their own category, totally different ballpark. Not even the same sport."
- "I've never drank these and not puked. They're awesome."
- "I've had three cups of that stuff and now I can't feel my teeth." (that was a quote from the biggest guy at the party)

- "My beer pong partner seems pretty hammered, I'm a little worried." - "don't worry, I've seen him much worse than this and still be a productive beer pong player."

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