Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hectic week

After the crash, I took a couple days easy on the training, but since Wednesday have been able to string together a few really quality days of volume training, mostly on roller skis. This week was also especially hectic at work with Thursday taking the cake - went in to work at 7, ran 5 miles on the treadmill at lunch, went back to work until about 430pm, met chad and jason at Mendon Ponds to roller ski, then took three guys from our dealer in Bulgaria to dinner at the Dinosaur BBQ (picture below).

Pictured above are are Scott (who works with me), Yonko, me, Nasko and Nasko. The thing I enjoy most about the opportunity to travel that my job provides is the people I've met along the way. I met Yonko and Nasko #2 the first time I went to Bulgaria three years ago and they are awesome guys and good friends.

On a different topic, the weather in Rochester has been as sporadic as ever, but I'm getting the feeling that winter is just around the corner because we're starting to see folks outside of my core training group out on roller skis!!

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