Saturday, October 22, 2011

Lots to say, not a lot of time to say it....

just a very quick post to say the following:
- I went to Georgia, had a very productive trip.
- had a really long trip home.
- enjoyed a great weekend with the Ogbornes celebrating the life of their wonderful mother and wish I could have spent more time with both Ron and Rob and their great families.
- follwing that, I received an Ali-style knockout punch for 4ish days. I was boomerang-ing between a temperature of 103 and about 95, going back and forth between shivering and exploding with heat. I was easily the sickest I've been in at least 10 years, couldn't get off the couch for anything. Went to the doctor, they were useless...and I say "they" because I never actually saw my doctor (although I did speak to two others), even though this is the first time I've tried to see him in like 5 years. In fact, couldn't even get him on the phone over the course of 4 days. F-ing useless, anyone know a good general physician?
- things seem to have turned around, but I'm pretty exhausted.
- had to skip the trip to Texas with Nance. I spend so much time travelling alone, not that fun that I had to drop my wife off at an airport for a plane I was supposed to be on with her, also had to cancel dinner plans with my Uncle in Houston who I rarely get to see, bummer all around...
-I will say one thing though - Delta refunded the full price of my ticket - as much as people slam the airlines, that was cool...I didn't expect that at all, and they upgraded Nance to first class on the way there, so pretty sweet...

So, as much as this post might sound negative, I always try to be a half-full sort of person...I'm looking forward and not back...but I will say one thing looking back
- Here's to you Mrs. O: You were too amazing of a person for me to describe here, and you left the world a better place than you found it!!

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