Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fire alarms, Babies, Half marathon, Sam Adams, Bike Racing, and Phish

I think the title of this post is pretty self-explanatory, however I will go into further detail.

Fire Alarms - Last week I went down to DC for some meetings and stayed overnight in the capital region. This is the 2nd year in a row that I was down there the week leading up to Memorial Day. This is basically for the same reason, there was a large delegation from the Georgian government in town to celebrate Georgian independence day and have some bi-lateral discussions with the USG about the two governments cooperation. This is also the height of tourism season and a time of year when many schools in the east do a school trip to see the sights. For the 2nd year in a row, some punk 8th grader yanked the fire alarm in my hotel. What are you gonna do...for all I know, he was probably from Penfield.

Babies - Last Friday, my buddy Andy was in town from Charlotte with his wife Erin and baby Jack. This was Jack's first visit to Rochester, so Andy's parents threw a party for all of their friends and family. This was also an opportunity to meet my other buddy Dan's 6-week old son Grady. There were a bunch of other babies running around, but Jack and Grady were the headliners. It was great to see everyone and also a little alarming that I'm to the point where there are a minimum of 3 children at almost every social event I go to...

Half marathon - last weekend I ran my first half marathon in Buffalo. My good friend Jeff was in town visiting some family and the race happened to coincide with his visit, so I figured why not give it a shot. I've been running a decent amount since I've been on the road a lot recently, but this was the first running race I'd done in almost a year and the first one longer than 3.5 miles in almost 2 years, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. I arbitrarily set a goal time of 1:25 (~6:30/mile pace). This was based largely on some of the treadmill workouts I'd done on my last work trip - basically, that pace felt comfortably hard for longer intervals. So, anyways, I started out pretty solid at that pace, at 10km in, I was almost dead on that pace, at 15km I had slowed a little, but was still just over an hour, then I sort of hit the wall a little. My legs got really heavy and I'd say I ran the last 5km or so at a 7:30/mile pace and ended up with a 1:29. So, not the best way to finish a race, but aerobically I felt really good and now I have a time to beat at that distance. I think the next time I do a half marathon, I'll pick a time of the year when I'm not also juggling bike racing and really focus on getting some more mileage in leading up to the race.

Sam Adams - After the half marathon, Nancy and I stayed up in Buffalo to hang out the rest of the day. Jeff and his girlfriend both work for Sam Adams, so needless to say, the BBQ hosted at Jeff's brother's house was basically sponsored by Sam Adams. It was a lot of fun and great to see a lot of really close friends from the Buffalo area that I hadn't seen in far too long.

Bike Racing - oh yeah, it's still bike racing season. This weekend is the Full Moon Vista Grand Prix, which is 3 races in 3 days, all local. I'm really looking forward to getting out there and racing these courses (even the crit), and I'm looking for a little redemption after last year's debacle.

Phish - a week from today, I'm going to a Phish concert with Nancy and a bunch of other friends, including Scott and Kevin, who I've been to a lot of shows over the years with. So, I'm really looking forward to that as well.

So, that should clarify the randomness of the title and provide a small snapshot as to how all over the map my life has been.

Oh, and on top of that, I'm switching jobs at work and am pretty psyched...possibly more on that later...or maybe I'll just write about biking, running, ski racing and general adventure, that's more interesting anyways, right?

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