Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I stand corrected and apologies to NBC

So far, the NBC Olympic coverage has been awesome. It's legit endurance sport coverage when Al Trautwig is on the call, and he's doing all the nordic events for NBC. Plus, they are showing most events live (or mostly live) and in their entirety, in the afternoon coverage.

Funny story about Al Trautwig - he used to do play-by-play for the Yankees when I was a young (back when the Yanks were on MSG and Donnie Baseball was the king of NY). My first memory of watching nordic skiing on TV was the 4 x 10km relay race in at the 1994 Olympics in Lillehaimer, which was an epic battle between Norway and Italy. I distinctly remember thinking, this is a really cool sport and it must be legit because the Yankee's announcer is the commentator!

1 comment:

  1. Nice use of "legit..."

    I too have been pretty impressed with the coverage of the Nordic Skiing events so far. I was in a bar trying to watch one of the biathlon Pursuit races the other day, which was kinda rough to follow without the sound, but I liked the way they covered the targets. Hopefully they keep up the good daytime coverage!
