Monday, January 24, 2011

Eventful training in Rochester

I was able to get in a good solid weekend of training this past weekend in Rochester. One long, slow classic ski and one hard, threshold skate ski. I'll be gone the next several weekends, so it was nice to ski locally in the daylight, a pleasure that I don't often get to indulge in.

On Saturday, Chad, Jason and I went out to Harriet Hollister Spencer State Park for a three hour classic ski. It was pretty cold (single digits), which makes for great classic skiing. It also typically makes the kick-wax very straightforward. The wax of the day was Special Green. I think they call it "Special" because it lasts forever, seriously. Any cross country skier who sees the bottom of one of these guys is putting in some serious kilometers, I don't even think it's possible. I've had this since I was in high school, and sadly, that was a long time ago.
About two and a half hours in, while skiing down a trail called "Bear Trap" which used to be called "The Pit", Jason hit a bump and remodeled his ski's!

I don't think it's supposed to do that!

This trail has a long, storied history of causing stuff to break. When I was in high school, they used to put mats on trees at the bottom because they were worried about racers crashing into them (granted, the mats were very thin and when frozen, likely offered less padding than the actual tree bark) and nowadays, the high schoolers don't race down this trail. Anyways, Jason was ok and wasn't all that concerned about his 12 year-old ski finally going where all good skis go when their time is up. He did proclaim to have "Bomber kick" while skiing back to the parking lot with the broken ski.

This weekend, Jason and I are making the trip up to Lake Placid for two NorAm cup biathlon races. These are trial races for the Canadian national team and the US B team will be back from Europe, so it should be super competitive. I'm looking forward to it.

P.S. - according to, this is my 100th blog post.

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